Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Line ART bgs!

A few years ago I had the privilege of doing some work for Twin Bottles. It is finally time to post some of the work.

I provided some of the line are for a few locations for a game called Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal. Below is a selection of them.

The interface at the bottom of the art was just temporary and was changed for the final game. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Silly Ponies!

I think it's safe to say I'm working on "My Little Ponies." The current episode has a couple of little ungulates around for comic relief witch inspired these one pen drawings. They're about 4inchs by about 4inchs.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stilt Wizard WIP

Stilt running wizard isn't quite done but I wanted to share him anyhow. Enjoy!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mr Animatable 01

I wanted to design a easily animated character. Here is my first thought. I "cleaned" him up on the train home so please forgive the line quality.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Apple Pie Monster

I know I promised some Olympic related art but It will have to wait. I've being quite busy with the current show I'm working on. It is a really nice looking show and I am lucky to be working with a collection of such great artist. The shows trailer will be hitting 7500 theaters in the states.

So what does this have to do with the soccer guys, well nothing except I haven't had time do do any art expect this Apple Pie Monster. A few coworkers thought it would be fun to do 30 days of monsters, well that was 3 weeks ago and so far this is all I have to show. (Like I said busy show) I wanted to have him at a family picnic but the perspective didn't match any of the pictures I found so we get this.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I did this handsome woman on the back of one of my sons drawings by accident. That explains the blue and red. Pencil on paper.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bird Miner!

Here is another quick sketch done with marker.

I am pretty busy these days wraping up another symester of teaching at VanArts and ramping up on a Dreamworks/Fox show that will air on TBS. Were using Harmony for the production it is new to me and defiantly interesting. I'll hold of any thoughts about what I think at this point... I do miss the familiarity of Flash.

With the Olympics starting tomorrow I should probably draw something on the subject so check back.

Monday, February 1, 2010


It's been a while so once again I'm putting up a quick sketch. I saw the dude on the right when I was picking up sushi.
I was watching the cartoon "Inspector Gadget" the a few weeks ago and I thought the bad guys had a cool body shape. Thats the starting point for the guy on the left. Colours aren't at all final. Thought it would be fun to animate a character with that body type.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Racing Ahead

The new year has defiantly started out with a bang! I've started a part time Maya course at the school I teach at, Van Arts. At first I thought that modeling in 3d would be necessary chore too learn if I was going to make my own 3d stuff. But it is supper fun!

On top of that, I'm teaching my self Toon Booms Animate Pro! Which is going to be rad as well. So you won't be getting anything completely finished for a while.

I don't know what to call the process for how I came up with this guy. I start with shape in mind and start laying down light pencil and see where it take me. At one point early on it was some kind of Mec. Until I put exhaust pipes on, now it is a Racing Chicken!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Finally 2010! Things were crazy for the last month so I didn't have time to finish anyting so check out something unfinished.

Often the only time I get to draw purely for fun is with my kids. It is fun to grab one of their giant markers and not worry about any of the "rules" and just go to town.

Usually when I draw like a this I just go at it with the darkest marker I can find. This time I had a short I'm working on in mind so rough these out a bit with yellow first. I'm currently thumbnailing the story so It'll be a while yet.

The one in the middle at the bottom is probably closest too the direction I am going. Not only dose the dude on the right look like duck, he looks like the ones from Kung Fu Panda. (Well a deformed, driven over cousin.) So he gets the moustache.